During the Autumn of 2022, changes to UK corporate tax and personal tax regimes were subject to a number of amendments.
In addition, it is now confirmed that two significant changes are taking place in the near future:
- From 1 April 2023, non-UK resident property companies will be subject to an increased corporate tax rate of 25%, a 6% increase compared to the current rate of 19%, tax year 2021/2022.
- An existing set of rules which, have not been directly relevant for some time, will now definitely need to be taken into account and will see many companies under common control, now being viewed as ‘associated’ with each other. This can have a significant impact on the amount and dates on which UK corporate tax is payable.
The Increase in the UK Corporate Tax Rate
From 1 April 2023, corporate tax rates in the UK will vary between 19% and 25%. The previous single rate having been 19%.
Where a UK resident company has taxable profits of less than £50,000, the 19% small profits rate will apply. UK resident companies with profits of between £50,000 and £250,000 will pay a tapered rate of between 19% and 25%. Above the higher limit of £250,000, the 25% rate will apply to all taxable profits.
These bandings are reduced if there are associated companies, please see further details below.
Where an accounting period spans across the date of 1 April 2023, taxable profit will be split to the period before and after 1 April 2023, with differing rates applied.
Companies Incorporated or Tax Resident Overseas
Companies which are incorporated and/or tax resident overseas and which are subject to UK corporation tax, will pay a flat rate of 25% corporation tax on taxable profits arising after 1 April 2023.
This 25% rate will apply to all UK based property and trading income and to capital gains on all sales of UK investment property.
Action could be taken ahead of 1 April 2023, to mitigate some of the implications of these changes. Any proposed action would, however, need to be assessed to ensure it makes commercial sense and take into account any prevailing case law and HMRC practice. Professional advice from a company such as Dixcart should be taken.
The Option of De-enveloping UK Property Held in a Non-UK Resident Company
If the de-enveloping of UK properties being held by non-UK resident companies is being considered, this should take place as far ahead of 1 April 2023, as possible.
Each situation needs to be considered based on its merits and an evaluation needs to take place as to whether this is the most appropriate action, from both a tax and a wider perspective. Any decision also needs to take into account that it might take some time to put changes in place to achieve the desired end result.
Associated Companies – Changes to the Rules
The current rule of a ‘related 51% group company’; where companies have generally been deemed to be related 51% companies, where there is common corporate ownership greater than 50%, is also due to change on 1 April 2023. As a consequence, companies that previously did not fall within the quarterly instalment payment regime (QIPs), may now do so.
The new definition of associated companies will be significantly broadened to include companies controlled by the same person/s. A ‘person’ includes not only individuals but also trustees of a trust and partners of a partnership.
A simple example is detailed below: a trust holds all the shares (100%), in 8 separate companies. The companies undertake similar activities, and the shares were settled into the trust by the same settlor. Under the pre-1 April 2023 rules there are no 51% group companies, under the new rules there could be up to 8 associated companies.
QIPs: Definition
Most companies pay UK corporation tax within 9 months and 1 day, after their year-end. This is unless they fall under QIPs. As detailed above, whether a company is deemed to be an associated company and the number of associated companies will determine whether a company must pay its UK corporation tax via the QIPs regime.
Generally, QIPs applies, where:
- Taxable profit exceeds £1.5million in two consecutive accounting periods,
- Taxable profit exceeds £10million on any accounting period.
It is very important to note that the taxable limits are divided by the number of associated companies.
QIPs does not increase the tax payable, but it does have a considerable impact on cash flow and missing or underpaying QIPs can result in penalties and/or interest being applied.
Additional Information
If you have any questions regarding the forthcoming changes to UK corporate tax, please contact Paul Webb at: hello@dixcartuk.com.