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Employment Law General Update – March 2024

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We bring news of several changes to the leave allowances for parents and carers in this month’s update. We also look at the latest report from the Treasury about the shocking levels of sexual harassment and bullying in the city whilst the Parker Review has found while there has been some improvement in ethnic minority representation on boards, there is still plenty of room for improvement. We also share news on the new ICO guidance on information sharing in a mental health emergency at work.

  • Discrimination: Sexism in the City report finds ‘shocking’ levels of sexual harassment and bullying
  • Data Protection: ICO issues guidance on information sharing in a mental health emergency at work

Parental & Carer’s Leave: New Regulations come into force

The new Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/329) are made to amend the Paternity and Adoption Leave Regulations 2002, SI 2002/2788, the Paternity and Adoption Leave (Adoption from Overseas) Regulations 2003, SI 2003/921, and the Paternity, Adoption and Shared Parental Leave (Parental Order Cases) Regulations 2014, SI 2014/3096. They came into force on 8 March 2024 and apply to children whose:

  • expected week of childbirth is after 6 April 2024; or
  • expected date of placement for adoption, or expected date of entry into Great Britain for adoption, is on or after 6 April 2024.

The changes include, amongst other things:

  • allowing an employee to choose to take either two non-consecutive weeks’ paternity leave (birth), or a single period of either one week or two weeks; and
  • extending the period in which paternity leave (birth) must be taken from 56 days after the birth of the child, to 52 weeks after the birth.

The new Maternity Leave, Adoption Leave and Shared Parental Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/264) are made to extend an existing statutory protection from redundancy that currently applies to those employees who are on maternity, adoption or shared parental leave. The extension means this protection also applies to pregnant women and new parents who have recently returned from any period of maternity or adoption leave, or from a period of six or more weeks of shared parental leave. The Regulations are due to come into force on 6 April 2024. Therefore any employers currently considering commencing a redundancy process or in the middle of one should review any affected employees who may now be protected under these new Regulations.

The Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/251) are made to implement a new statutory entitlement to Carer’s Leave for employees from 6 April 2024. They ensure that this leave will be available to employees for the purpose of caring for a dependant with a long-term care need. They are also due to come into force on 6 April 2024.

These are supported by The Carer’s Leave (Consequential Amendments to Subordinate Legislation) Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/266) which make necessary amendments to various pieces of secondary legislation in consequence of the Carer’s Leave Act 2023 which makes provision for the new statutory right to carer’s leave, available for employed carers from 6 April 2024. When calculating entitlements to certain other benefits or rights, leave is often a relevant factor. This instrument makes provision to ensure that it is clear in those pieces of secondary legislation how carer’s leave should be treated in those calculations.

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Discrimination: Sexism in the City report finds ‘shocking’ levels of sexual harassment and bullying

The Treasury Committee has published its Sexism in the City report, following an inquiry launched in July 2023, and is calling for an end to the ‘era of impunity’ after finding a ‘shocking’ prevalence of sexual harassment and bullying, and a culture which is ‘holding back women’ in the City. The Committee welcomes proposals by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) to strengthen their regimes for tackling non-financial misconduct, including sexual harassment, but calls on them to ‘drop their prescriptive plans for extensive data reporting and target setting’. The FCA has responded to the report.

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Diversity and Gender Pay Gap: Parker Review Committee update report expands scope of targets for ethnic minority representation

The Parker Review Committee has published its March 2024 report into ethnic diversity across UK businesses. For the first time, the Committee has expanded its review to include senior management data, commenting that this yields a clearer picture than looking into boards of directors alone. It has also expanded its research to include private companies (50 in total) as well as listed companies. The report found that:

  • 96% of FTSE 100 companies have at least one ethnic minority director on their board, compared with 44% of private companies;
  • ethnic minorities currently represent an average of 13% of senior management positions within FTSE 100 companies, with a target set to increase this average to 17% by 2027.

Hywel Ball, Chairman and Managing Partner of EY UK, says:

The Parker Review, and the targets that it sets, provide an important benchmark and objective criteria to encourage fair representation of ethnic minorities. Crucially, it ensures we lead efforts to diversify UK business with respect to ethnicity from the top down and continue to be held accountable, no matter the macroeconomic climate. Representation matters – the more diverse boardroom and executive teams are, the greater the ripples across the organisation. Over the last nine years, there has been good progress but we are still a long way from achieving parity based on ethnicity. This year’s figures – 12 ethnic minority CEOs in the FTSE 100 and 7 Chairs – are encouraging but show there is work to be done to ensure our business leaders fairly represent their customers and society they serve.”

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Data Protection: ICO issues guidance on information sharing in a mental health emergency at work

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued guidance for employers on sharing their workers’ personal information in a mental health emergency. The guidance sets out advice on when, and how, it is appropriate to share workers’ personal information where the employer believes that someone is at risk of causing serious harm to themselves or others due to their mental health. The ICO adds that it is good practice to plan ahead in order to make timely and better-informed decisions during a mental health emergency. The guidance considers what a mental health emergency is, how mental health information differs under data protection law, how to plan for information sharing and the lawful bases and special category conditions that are most likely to apply.

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Further Information:

If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – January 2023

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As we welcome in the fresh new year, there is a need to focus on helping employees with health issues as the NHS struggles more than ever. We highlight three areas where employers can make a real difference. Other challenges this year come from union strikes, and the government looks to balance the rights of strikers with continuing to provide minimum levels of service in specified public services in a new bill before the Commons, along with an update on the Neonatal Care Bill which covers parental leave. With people working more flexibly consultations have started on proposals to pro-rata holiday entitlement for part-year and irregular hours workers.

  • Employee Health: Three wellbeing challenges employers will need to tackle in 2023
  • Trade Unions: House of Commons library publishes briefing on Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill
  • Parental Leave: House of Commons publishes update on Neonatal Care Bill
  • Holiday Pay: BEIS consults on proposals to pro-rata holiday entitlement for part-year and irregular hours workers

 Employee Health: Three wellbeing challenges employers will need to tackle in 2023

Website, People Management, published an article on 20 January 2023 by Imogen Cardwell (Clinical Operations Director at PAM OH) promoting a proactive approach from employers to address health challenges facing employees including soaring cancer rates, increasing work-related illness and NHS delays. You can read the full article [here] but below is a summarised version.

She reports that with an NHS backlog of more than 7.2 million, it will impact more than a million employees, with 15 per cent of employees affected being forced to go on long-term sick leave, and 40 per cent of cancer patients are having to wait more than the 62-day target for life-saving cancer treatment . At the same time, two-fifths of employees believe work has made them sick, primarily due to work-related stress and musculoskeletal (MSK) issues. All of which means the NHS backlog, rising cancer cases and increasing work-related illness are the three major wellbeing challenges employers will need to address in 2023.

Challenge 1: Supporting employees with cancer

Employers will need to do more to support terminally ill employees to stay in work, so long as it is safe to do so. This is both a legal duty, under the Equality Act 2010, but also a moral duty. Integral to this is supporting employees by making the reasonable adjustments needed to allow them to remain in work, such as allowing flexible working or changing working hours for a period to account for someone’s needs.

Managers should be encouraged to talk to employees about what they think would help them and an occupational health clinician can also advise on appropriate adjustments that would work for the individual and business, both now and as the employee goes through important milestones and treatments.

Challenge 2: Ongoing NHS delays

Before the pandemic, employees would typically get signed off work by their GP until after they had been treated and had some post-surgery rehabilitation, which might have been around 6 weeks. With wait times of up to a year, this might not be acceptable going forward. Be aware of the risk of financial hardship, and long-term absence which has been shown to lead to lack of confidence, isolation and an increased risk of future worklessness.

Again, reasonable adjustments to help keep people in work will be critical going forward. Workplace wellbeing initiatives or occupational health advisors might also be able to support the individual with linked conditions, for example, losing weight to reduce joint pain and need for an operation.

Challenge 3: Soaring work-related illness

Days lost to work-related ill health cost billions per year, primarily work-related stress, depression or anxiety and MSK issues. What drives these issues? Employers should review their health data, including referrals to occupational health and health screening insights. As well as conduct ‘employee listening’ with surveys designed to uncover the root causes of work-related stress. This can often be addressed with workshops and manager training based on the HSE’s Management Standards for reducing stress, which look at everything from workload to working relationships.

In the case of soaring MSK issues, workplace risk assessments can be used to identify where employees are setting themselves up for future injury. While body mapping workshops, where employees place stickers on body maps to reveal where they have injuries or niggles, can also be used. These encourage employees to share tips and advice with one another on how they’re using the same equipment, or doing the same job, in a way that prevents injury. As it’s often the smallest behavioural changes that make the biggest difference.

A free guide to Health at Work is available from PAM Wellbeing here.

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Trade Unions: House of Commons library publishes briefing on Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill

The House of Commons (HoC) Library has published a research briefing on the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill, which was introduced to the House of Commons and given its first reading on 10 January 2023. The Bill enables regulations to be made by the Secretary of State at the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (after consultation) setting minimum levels of service in specified public services so that those services do not completely shut down when there are strikes. For these purposes a strike does not include an overtime ban or a call-out ban. The Bill would grant the Secretary of State the power to set ‘minimum service regulations’ that could set minimum service levels for workers during strikes in the following sectors:

• health services

• fire and rescue services

• education services

• transport services

• decommissioning of nuclear installations and management of radioactive waste and spent fuel

• border security.

The Bill grants employers the power to give a ‘work notice’ to a trade union about any strike that affects a service subject to the Bill. The notice would have to specify which workers the employer to continue work in order to ensure service levels required by the minimum service regulations. Where a union fails to ‘take reasonable steps’ to ensure compliance with the work notice it loses protection from liability. Furthermore, the Bill removes automatic protection from unfair dismissal for any employee who strikes contrary to a valid work notice.

The second reading of the Bill was due to take place on 16 January 2023.

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Parental Leave: House of Commons publishes update on Neonatal Care Bill

The House of Commons (HoC) has published a briefing paper on the Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Bill 2022–23, which was introduced by Stuart C McDonald MP as a Private Member’s Bill on 15 June 2022.

The Bill would introduce neonatal care leave and statutory neonatal care pay. As these are both new rights, they require the Minister to pass regulations to bring them into force. Parents whose children spend at least one week in neonatal care would qualify for the day one right to neonatal leave. The duration of the leave and when it must be taken would be set by regulations. It would be a minimum of one week and the period in which it could be availed of would last a minimum of 67 weeks starting from the date of the child’s birth. Employees with at least 26 weeks continuous service can avail of neonatal care pay during periods of neonatal leave. While limit and duration of pay would be set by regulations the minimum limit that could be claimed would be a minimum of 12 weeks.

There have been calls since 2014 for such a bill to be introduced. Following a consultation, the Government committed to introduce neonatal care and pay in March 2020. This was reiterated by the then Labour Markets Minister Paul Scully when he was responding to a parliamentary question on 25 May 2022. All MP’s who spoke during the second reading of the Bill were in favour of it passing. Similarly, all contributions at committee stage were in favour of the Bill and all amendments were accepted. However, concerns over the length of time the government were taking to implement the Bill were also raised.

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Holiday Pay: BEIS consults on proposals to pro-rata holiday entitlement for part-year and irregular hours workers

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is conducting a consultation on proposals to pro-rata holiday entitlement for part-year and irregular hours workers based on the annual hours they work. The consultation follows the recent Supreme Court judgment in Harpur Trust v Brazel [2022] IRLR 67.

As part of the consultation, BEIS proposes to introduce a holiday entitlement reference period for part-year and irregular hours workers. BEIS wants to ensure that holiday pay and entitlement is directly proportionate to the time part-year and irregular hours staff are working. The consultation also aims to understand how entitlement is currently calculated for agency workers and how the consultation proposal could be implemented.

The consultation may be of interest and impact employers, workers, business representative groups, unions, and those representing the interests of groups in the labour market.

Responses to the consultation can be completed online here. Responses can also be emailed to: The consultation closes on 9 March 2023.

Further information regarding the Calculating holiday entitlement for part-year and irregular hours workers Consultation can be accessed here. The Proposal to simplify Holiday Pay and Entitlement Consultation Impact Assessment can be accessed here. 

Further Information:

If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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