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Employment Law General Update – January 2025

Employment Update Employment Law

This article summarises the main developments that will affect employment law in 2025 and beyond.

Employment Rights Bill and related consultations

Other employment measures

Employment Rights Bill and related consultations

Prior to its success in the general election that took place on 4 July 2024, the Labour Party proposed wide-ranging and fundamental reform of employment law. It promised that several of its reforms would be contained in an Employment Rights Bill (ERB), which was introduced on 10 October 2024.

Together with the draft ERB, on 10 October 2024, the government published a policy paper, Next Steps to Make Work Pay (Next Steps paper), which set out the steps the government intends to take following the publication of the ERB. It confirms that further detail on many of the policies contained in the ERB will be provided through partnership with business, workers and trade unions, regulations, and in some cases codes of practice, after the ERB has received Royal Assent, which is expected to be in 2025.

The ERB makes provision for wide-ranging changes to be made to employment law, including in relation to unfair dismissal, fire and rehire, collective redundancies, zero hours and low hours contracts, trade unions and industrial action, sexual harassment and third-party harassment, statutory sick pay (SSP), flexible working and family leave. In October 2024, the government published four consultations as part of its first phase of consulting relevant stakeholders. Further consultations are expected in 2025, which will deal with matters to be included in supporting regulations.

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Bereavement leave

The existing right to two weeks’ parental bereavement leave following the death of a child under 18 or a stillbirth will be extended to be an entitlement to more general “bereavement leave”, which will apply to the loss of a wider group of persons (clause 14, ERB). Like the current provision for parental bereavement leave, bereavement leave will be a day-one right. Regulations will specify the relationships with a person who has died that will qualify an employee to take bereavement leave, and the government will consult on the details to be set out in secondary legislation.

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Collective redundancies

The ERB strengthens redundancy rights and protections by removing the “at one establishment” test for collective redundancies, meaning that the threshold of 20 or more redundancies will be met when that number is impacted across the entire business, rather than at one site. This will increase the obligations on multi-site employers to collectively consult and will require them to keep rolling records of redundancies proposed across their multiple sites. In addition, the government is consulting about raising the current level of the protective award from 90 to 180 days’ pay, or to an uncapped amount and allowing employees to claim interim relief where they have a claim for a protective award or a claim for unfair dismissal in a fire and rehire scenario. During 2025, the government also plans to consult on increasing the minimum collective consultation period when an employer is proposing to dismiss 100 or more employees from 45 to 90 days.

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Dismissal and re-engagement (fire and rehire)

The practice of fire and rehire has received widespread negative press coverage in recent years following a number of high-profile cases. These include the dismissal of almost 800 employees by P&O Ferries in 2022, to be replaced by lower-paid agency staff, and also a case where Tesco (unsuccessfully) sought to use the practice to overturn preferential pay rates it had agreed on a “permanent” basis with staff who agreed to relocate.

The ERB would restrict the ability of an employer to use dismissal and re-engagement (known as “fire and rehire”) as a lawful means of changing an employee’s contractual terms, save where there is genuinely no alternative, due to financial difficulties which threaten the employer’s ability to carry on business as a going concern. It does this by making any dismissal automatically unfair where the reason for dismissal is that the employee did not agree to the employer’s attempt to vary their terms and conditions, or because they intended to employ another person to carry out substantially the same role. On 21 October 2024, the government published a consultation on strengthening the remedies against abuse of the fire and rehire and collective consultation rules (see above). The consultation closed on 2 December 2024.

It is not clear what the government’s intentions are with regard to the Statutory Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement which was introduced under the previous Conservative government but only came into force on 18 July 2024. Despite its previous strong criticisms of the Code as being “inadequate”, it remains in force for now. It is possible that the government still intends to replace the Code with another one containing more stringent obligations on employers, as envisaged in the Plan to Make Work Pay, although any new Code of Practice would need to be consulted on before it could receive parliamentary approval.

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Equality action plans and menopause support

Future regulations made under clause 26 of the ERB will require employers with 250 employees or more to develop and publish equality action plans showing what steps they are taking in relation to prescribed matters related to gender equality and to publish prescribed information relating to their plans.

Matters relating to gender equality will be those concerning the advancement of equality between male and female employees and will include addressing the gender pay gap and supporting employees going through the menopause. In November 2024, proposed amendments to the ERB were published which will be considered by the Public Bill Committee. An amendment proposed by the government would require employers to include an explanation in their equality action plans on how they are supporting employees with menstrual problems and menstrual disorders.

The government will consult the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on the content of the regulations before they are published.

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Fair Work Agency

The ERB contains provisions permitting the Secretary of State to delegate their labour market enforcement functions to a public authority and to appoint enforcement officers. The Next Steps paper confirms that this will be the new Fair Work Agency (FWA), which will bring together the existing enforcement functions of HMRC (in relation to the national minimum wage (NMW)), the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EASI) and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA). The introduction of a single enforcement body has long been on the cards and was one of the government’s key manifesto pledges. However, whether the FWA succeeds in improving enforcement is likely to depend on the level of financial resources it is allocated, which is not yet clear. It is not yet known when the FWA will be established, although it is likely to be a number of years before it is fully operational.

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Family leave

Paternity leave and unpaid parental leave will become a day-one right for eligible employees. The government also stated in the Next Steps paper that it intends to make it unlawful to dismiss employees who have been pregnant within six months of their return to work, except in specific circumstances. Regulations are awaited to define what these specific circumstances will be. The government also stated in the Plan to Make Work Pay that it would conduct a review of the current parental leave system during the first year of the Labour government, so this is expected by July 2025.

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Flexible working

The existing day-one right to request flexible working under Part VIIIA of the ERA 1996 (sections 80F to 80I) (as amended) together with the Flexible Working Regulations 2014 (SI 2014/1398) (Flexible Working Regulations) (as amended) will remain, but the ERB will introduce a reasonableness test into the regime, providing that employers will only be able to rely on one of the statutory reasons to refuse a request for flexible working where it is “reasonable for the employer to refuse the application on that ground or those grounds”. In addition, employers will be required to state and explain what the ground for any refusal is and why the refusal is considered reasonable. The Next Steps paper confirmed that there will be a consultation to develop the detail of the approach to be taken on flexible working.

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Sexual harassment

The ERB will amend section 40A of the EqA 2010 to require employers to take “all reasonable steps” to prevent sexual harassment, reflecting the wording originally contained in the Worker Protection Bill. Currently, employers are required to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their employees during the course of their employment under the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023, which came into force on 26 October 2024. Employers will also be under a duty to take “all reasonable steps” to prevent third-party sexual harassment, and to prevent third-party harassment in relation to the other relevant protected characteristics.

In addition, the ERB will amend the whistleblowing provisions of the ERA 1996 to make it clear that reporting sexual harassment will amount to a qualifying disclosure.

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Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

The ERB provides employees with the right to SSP from the first sick day rather than from the fourth day and removes the requirement for the employee’s earnings to be not less than the lower earnings limit to be eligible for SSP.

On 21 October 2024, the government published a consultation on SSP. The consultation, which closed on 4 December 2024, sought views on what the percentage of average weekly earnings should be for the purposes of calculating the rate of SSP for some low-earning employees.

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Trade unions

The ERB will repeal the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023. While nearly all of the restrictions placed on industrial action and picketing by the Trade Union Act 2016 will be removed, the time-limited mandate for industrial action following a ballot will remain. The ERB will introduce the right to a statement of trade union rights and the right for trade unions to access workplaces, it will simplify the rules on trade union recognition, introduce protection against detriment for taking industrial action and increase protection against dismissal for taking industrial action. These are summarised below.

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Right to a statement of trade union rights

The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA 1992) will be amended to require employers to give workers a written statement advising that they have the right to join a trade union at the same time as providing the worker’s section 1 statement and at other prescribed times.

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Right of trade unions to access workplaces

Unrecognised unions will be provided with the opportunity to recruit and organise within a workplace with the aim of gaining recognition. Trade unions and employers will be able to enter “access agreements” providing union officials with access to the employer’s workplace for the purposes of meeting, representing, recruiting or organising workers, or facilitating collective bargaining (but expressly not to organise industrial action). The union may apply to the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) to determine workplace access if the employer fails to respond to its request for an access agreement. Either party may make an application where negotiations are unsuccessful.

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Simplifying statutory trade union recognition

The statutory scheme for trade union recognition set out in Schedule A1 to TULRCA 1992 will be amended to:

  • Enable the 10% membership threshold for the CAC to accept a trade union recognition application (and at other stages of the recognition scheme) to be reduced to between 2% and 10%.
  • Remove the requirement at the application stage (and at other stages of the recognition scheme) for a union to demonstrate that there is likely to be majority support for trade union recognition.
  • Remove the 40% support threshold from recognition ballots.

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Protection against detriment for taking industrial action

TULRCA 1992 will be amended to provide workers with the right not to be subjected to detriment of a prescribed description by any act (or any deliberate failure to act) by their employer, if the act (or failure) takes place for the sole or main purpose of preventing or deterring the worker from taking protected industrial action, or penalising the worker for doing so.

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Dismissal for taking industrial action

TULRCA 1992 will be amended to provided that for the full duration of an official, lawful strike and after that strike has concluded, an employee will be automatically unfairly dismissed where the reason (or, if more than one, the principal reason) for the dismissal is that the employee took such protected industrial action.

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Consultation on further proposals

The government’s consultation, Making Work Pay: creating a modern framework for industrial relations, which closed on 2 December 2024, sought views on strengthening provisions to prevent unfair practices during trade union recognition, simplifying industrial action ballots, reducing notice of industrial action, extending the permitted duration of industrial action, updating the law on repudiation of industrial action and on prior call, and on enforcement of the trade union right to access workplaces.

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Tribunal time limits

In a set of amendments to the ERB published in November 2024, the government confirmed that it would extend the time limits for bringing all tribunal claims from three to six months. It is not yet clear when this measure will take effect.

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Unfair dismissal

Under the ERB, the right to bring a claim for unfair dismissal will become a day-one right for employees, subject to a new modified “light-touch” dismissal procedure applicable in most cases during an initial period of employment, which will be set by regulations but must be between three and nine months. It removes the two-year qualifying period for ordinary unfair dismissal protection by repealing section 108 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA 1996). Much of the detail will be contained in regulations and is as yet unknown, but this will represent a hugely significant change in the unfair dismissal landscape. To allow for full consultation and a substantial period for employers to prepare and adapt, the unfair dismissal reforms will take effect no sooner than autumn 2026.

In November 2024, proposed amendments to the ERB were published which are being considered by the Public Bill Committee. A government amendment will allow the Secretary of State to specify a cap on the compensatory award for employees unfairly dismissed during the initial period of employment provided for in the ERB.

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Zero hours and “low hours” contracts

Employee representative bodies and trade unions have long condemned the use of zero hours contracts as a means of abusing vulnerable, low-income workers, and providing no job security, rights or guaranteed income. There is very limited protection for workers on such contracts. The ERB will introduce a duty on employers to offer a guaranteed hours contract that reflects the hours qualifying workers regularly work over a reference period (to be specified in regulations, but the government suggested in the Next Steps paper that in its view it should be 12 weeks). The ERB also places a duty on employers to provide reasonable notice of shifts, with workers being entitled to compensation if their shift is cancelled, moved or curtailed at short notice.

On 21 October 2024, the government published a consultation on the application of the zero hours contracts provisions to agency workers. The consultation, which closed on 2 December 2024, explored who should be responsible for offering guaranteed hours to eligible workers: the agency or the hirer. The government notes that a difficulty of making agencies responsible is that they have little or no control, since the demand for hours is largely dictated by hirer. Hirers would, therefore, be in a better position to forecast and manage the flow of work. However, requiring hirers to offer guaranteed hours might effectively make them the agency worker’s employer.

In November 2024, proposed amendments to the ERB were published which are being considered by the Public Bill Committee. Substantial government amendments were put forward in relation to zero hours and “low hours” contracts, including new requirements for employers to take reasonable steps to ensure that workers are given specified information in relation to their rights to guaranteed hours during an “initial information period” and to give workers a notice where they consider an exception to the duty to make a guaranteed hours offer applies, or where a guaranteed hours offer that has been made is treated as having been withdrawn.

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Other employment measures

Draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill

A draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill (Race and Disability Bill) was announced in the King’s Speech 2024, to be led by the Government Equalities Office (GEO). It will be published in draft form for consultation and deliver Labour’s manifesto commitment to “enshrine the full right to equal pay in law” for ethnic minorities and disabled people. There is expected to be significant consultation on the draft Race and Disability Bill and so it is anticipated that it will progress more slowly than the ERB.

The Race and Disability Bill will tackle two main issues:

  • Enshrine in law the full right to equal pay for ethnic minorities and disabled people. This will make it easier for them to bring unequal pay claims, given the existing barriers when bringing pay discrimination claims on the grounds of ethnicity or disability.
  • Introduce mandatory ethnicity and disability pay reporting for employers with 250 or more employees. This will help to close the ethnicity and disability pay gaps, enabling employers to constructively consider why they exist and how to tackle them.

The Next steps paper also states that the government will create a new regulatory enforcement unit for equal pay.

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Neonatal care leave and pay

The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023 received Royal Assent in May 2023 and was expected to come into force in April 2025 under the previous Conservative government. The government has confirmed this will come into effect on 6 April 2025. HMRC has published a policy paper on the tax treatment of statutory Neonatal Care Pay (see HMRC: Income Tax: tax treatment of Statutory Neonatal Care Pay). The Act will introduce statutory neonatal leave and pay for up to 12 weeks for parents of babies requiring neonatal care, which must be taken within 68 weeks of birth.

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Right to disconnect

The Plan to Make Work Pay stated that a new “right to switch off” would be introduced, providing workers with the right to disconnect from work outside of working hours and not be contacted by their employer. This would follow similar models to those that are already in place in Ireland and Belgium, giving workers and employers the opportunity to have constructive conversations and work together on bespoke workplace policies or contractual terms that benefit both parties.

There is nothing on this new right in the ERB, and in the Next steps paper, the government confirmed that it would take forward the right to switch off through a statutory Code of Practice. It is expected that a consultation on the new code of practice will be issued in 2025.

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Gender identity and gender critical beliefs

Gender identity is a highly charged issue with polarised views about, on the one hand, a transgender person’s right to have their identity recognised, and on the other hand, so-called “gender critical beliefs” that a person’s sex is an immutable biological fact and that someone’s gender is different from their sex.

Recent case law has recognised gender critical beliefs as being capable of protection under the Equality Act 2010 (EqA 2010) as a philosophical belief (Bailey v Stonewall and others ET/2202172/2020). This provides scope for conflict with other protected characteristics under the EqA 2010, including the protected characteristic of gender reassignment (Fischer v London United Busways Ltd ET/2300846/2021), and poses a challenge for employers who are responsible for preventing discrimination and harassment in the workplace. In For Women Scotland Ltd v Scottish Ministers, the Inner House of the Court of Session confirmed that the definition of “woman” in section 212(1) of the Equality Act 2010 includes trans women with a gender recognition certificate. The case has been appealed and was heard by the Supreme Court on 26 and 27 November 2024.

In May 2024, the Minister for Women and Equalities issued a “call for input” seeking examples of policies or guidance issued by public bodies, or those that advise public and private organisations, which might wrongly suggest that people without a gender recognition certificate (GRC) have a legal right to access single-sex spaces and services according to their self-identified gender. The call for input on incorrect guidance on single-sex spaces closed on 26 June 2024.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace

Modern workplaces are increasingly receptive to and reliant on tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) such as machine learning, GenAI and automated decision-making to perform certain human resources and employee management functions. In addition, the development of GenAI applications, which can be used to perform a variety of work-related tasks, means that AI is more accessible to the workforce than in the past.

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AI reform

In terms of reform in this area, the government’s Next Steps paper, promised that a consultation would be issued on how to implement measures on surveillance technologies and negotiations with trade unions and staff representatives.

Prior to this, the King’s speech, which was delivered in July 2024, announced that the government:

“… will seek to establish the appropriate legislation to place requirements on those working to develop the most powerful artificial intelligence models”.

Labour’s manifesto (Labour: Change), published in June 2024, promised that Labour would create a new Regulatory Innovation Office, bringing together existing functions across government, to help regulators update regulation and to co-ordinate issues that span different sectors, as it considers that regulators are currently ill-equipped to deal with the dramatic development of new technologies. It also promised to ensure the safe development and use of AI models by introducing binding regulation on the companies developing the most powerful AI models.

Labour’s Plan to Make Work Pay, noted that new technologies such as AI have the potential for positive change, including boosting wages, improving productivity and empowering workers. However, given the risks posed, Labour’s approach will be to protect good jobs and ensure good future jobs. It plans to put in place appropriate rights and protections to keep pace with technological change, while safeguarding against discrimination. At a minimum, Labour stated that it will ensure that proposals by employers to introduce surveillance technologies will be subject to consultation and negotiation, with a view to reaching agreement with trade unions or elected staff representatives. This would not override the provisions of any collective agreement relating to surveillance.

Labour’s New Deal green paper, which was first published in September 2021, had previously stated that proposals by an employer to introduce surveillance technologies would be subject to consultation and agreement by trade unions or elected staff representatives, although it was subsequently reported that this new “right” could be implemented by way of best practice advice or secondary legislation, in a perceived watering down of the original pledge.

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TUC AI taskforce

Labour has been involved with the TUC’s AI taskforce, which in April 2024 published its draft Artificial Intelligence (Employment and Regulation) Bill, setting out recommended regulation of the use of AI in the workplace.

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EU position

The EU is taking a more interventionist approach than the UK. A new Regulation, the EU AI Act, was formally adopted by the Council of the EU on 21 May 2024. The EU AI Act applies to public and private actors inside and outside the EU if the AI system affects individuals in the EU, and categorises AI systems into risk levels.

The Platform Workers Directive entered into force on 1 December 2024. Member states will have two years to incorporate the provisions of the Directive into their national legislation. The Directive provides new rights aimed at promoting transparency, fairness and accountability in algorithmic management used in platform work.

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International convention on AI

Since coming to power, on 5 September 2024, the Labour government signed the new international treaty, the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law. The AI treaty has also been signed by the European Commission.

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Managing AI risk

Due to the increasing use of AI in the workplace, there is a greater need to assess and manage the associated risks. In March and November 2024, new guidance was published by the government and the ICO specifically aimed at AI use in the HR and recruitment sectors. There are several actions that an employer can take to mitigate the risks, such as undertaking risk assessments and carrying out due diligence with suppliers of AI systems.

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From 31 December 2024, the sponsor licence guidance was updated to prohibit Skilled Worker sponsors from passing on the cost of the sponsor licence fee or associated administrative costs or the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) fee (for CoS assigned on or after 31 December 2024). 
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Further Information

If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – July 2024

Employment Law Employment Law

This month we bring you a brief summary of the employment, pensions and immigration highlights of the King’s Speech, a look at new guidance from the EHRC on job advertising and how not to fall foul of the legislation, with a particular reference to the protected characteristic of ‘sex’. We also have a looking at the reasons and recommendations for a Seasonal Worker Scheme and consider the results of the Co-Op’s first pay gap report considering the socioeconomic background of workers.

The King’s Speech 2024: Employment, Pensions and Immigration

His Majesty, King Charles III, has set out the government’s priorities and proposed policies for the next parliamentary session at the State Opening of Parliament, which took place on 17 July 2024.

This includes 40 legislative proposals to be addressed in the 2024–2025 parliamentary session. In his speech, King Charles explained that the government’s ‘legislative programme will be mission led and based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all’.

This King’s Speech 2024 focuses on improving the living standards of working people through economic growth and taking the ‘brakes off Britain’. A major employment announcement came in the form of the Employment Rights Bill, as the government commits to deliver its ‘Plan to Make Work Pay: Delivering a New Deal for Working People’ and to legislate to ban zero-hour contracts, end fire and rehire practices, and introduce certain employment rights from day one. The government will also work on delivering a new Draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill, which will enshrine the full right to equal pay for ethnic minorities and disabled people in law. The Skills England Bill will be introduced to seek to understand national and local skills needs via establishment of a new body, ‘Skills England‘. The Skills England Bill will also establish a new partnership with employers and reform the apprenticeship levy.


The speech contained the announcement of a new Pensions Schemes Bill, stating, ‘Bills will be brought forward… to strengthen pensions investment‘. The Bill aims to increase the amount available for pension savers and states it could help an average earner, who saves over their lifetime in a defined contribution scheme, to have over £11,000 more in their pension pots with which to secure their retirement income.


The speech also covered the introduction of the new Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill which seeks to ‘modernise‘ the asylum and immigration system and strengthen and secure the border.

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Discrimination: EHRC updates its guidance on discriminatory adverts

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has updated its guidance on discriminatory adverts. The main updates are to the section ‘When is an advert which restricts a job or service to particular groups unlawful’. The guidance now includes examples in relation to an ‘occupational requirement’ under Schedule 9 of the Equality Act 2010 and where an occupational requirement applies, the employer must make sure that it is objectively justifiable.

Guidance in relation to the protected characteristic of ‘sex’ now states that ‘sex’ means a person’s legal sex as recorded on their birth certificate or their Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). This means that a sex-based occupational requirement that an applicant is a woman, as is common within specialist support services for women, such as rape counselling, will include women who are recorded female at birth and also transgender women who have obtained a GRC. The guidance notes, however, that Schedule 9 of Equality Act 2010 also permits an occupational requirement to exclude transgender persons where it is objectively justified, and this can include people who have obtained a GRC. It states that a ‘sex-based’ occupational requirement to be a woman under Schedule 9 cannot include transgender women who have not obtained a GRC, as they do not have legal status as women under Equality Act 2010.

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Immigration: MAC publishes review of the Seasonal Worker visa

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has published its review of the Seasonal Worker visa, which sets out the reasons for having a Seasonal Worker Scheme, how the scheme works, the economic and social impact of the scheme, the impact of the scheme on employers, the welfare issues that arise for the workers, and recommendations based on five key themes. The report considers the call for evidence that ran from June–October 2023, stakeholder engagement, and both internal and external research.

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Pay Disparity: Co-op publishes socioeconomic pay gap report

The Co-op has become the first retailer to publish a pay gap report based specifically on socioeconomic background. The report collected data submitted voluntarily from 48% of its 57,000 employees, finding a mean pay gap of 5.2% between those of a higher and of a lower socioeconomic background. Employees from a lower socioeconomic background are also less likely to progress into more senior positions, according to the data.

As a result of the findings, Co-op has ‘doubled down’ on its Social Mobility Plan, including campaigning for the government to make socioeconomic background a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. Co-op has also set a target of collecting 80% of socioeconomic employee data for the next 12 months. In addition to the main report, Co-op also published a one-page summary.

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Further Information:

If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – February 2024

Employment Law

Welcome to our February employment law updates covering issues such as: the EHRC’s guidance on menopause in the workplace under the Equality Act, the National Minimum Wage sees latest amendments, over 500 companies are named and shamed for wage non-compliance. Discussions around ‘fire and rehire’ practices intensify, and updates on Skilled Worker and Family Immigration are announced, including changes limiting careworkers’ dependents and ending the Ukraine Family Scheme. Stay informed as we navigate these key developments.

  • Equality Act: EHRC issues menopause in the workplace guidance for employers
  • Pay: National Minimum Wage (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2024
  • Pay: 500+ companies named and shamed for not paying National Minimum Wage
  • Fire and Rehire: DBT publishes response to consultation on code of practice on dismissal and re-engagement
  • Immigration: Dates announced on Skilled Worker and Family Immigration
  • Immigration: Statement of Changes HC 556 stops careworkers from bringing dependants and ends Ukraine Family Scheme

Equality Act: EHRC issues menopause in the workplace guidance for employers

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has issued new guidance on menopause in the workplace, setting out employer’s legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. The new guidance aims to clarify these obligations and provide practical tips for employers on making reasonable adjustments and fostering positive conversations about the menopause. If menopause symptoms have a long term and substantial impact on a woman’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, they may be considered a disability. Under the Equality Act 2010, an employer will be under a legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments and to not discriminate against the worker. Additionally, workers experiencing menopause symptoms may be protected from less favourable treatment related to their symptoms on the grounds of age and sex.

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Pay: National Minimum Wage (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2024

The draft National Minimum Wage (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2024, which are due to come into force on 1 April 2024:

  • abolish the rate of the national minimum wage for workers who are aged 21 or over (but are not yet aged 23 years) so that workers aged 21 or over will now qualify for the national living wage, rather than a lower national minimum wage rate;
  • increase the rate of the national living wage for workers who are aged 21 or over from £10.42 to £11.44 per hour;
  • increase the rate of the national minimum wage for workers who are aged 18 or over (but not yet aged 21) from £7.49 to £8.60 per hour;
  • increase the rate of the national minimum wage for workers who are under the age of 18 from £5.28 to £6.40 per hour;
  • increase the apprenticeship rate for workers within SI 2015/621, reg 5(1)(a), (b), from £5.28 to £6.40 per hour;
  • increase the accommodation offset amount which is applicable where any employer provides a worker with living accommodation from £9.10 to £9.99 for each day that accommodation is provided.

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Pay: 500+ companies named and shamed for not paying National Minimum Wage

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has named more than 500 companies for not paying national minimum wage to over 172,000 employees. Defaulting employers have been ordered to repay these workers almost £16m to backfill these breaches. This is the 20th list to be published by the government since the introduction of the naming scheme in 2013 under which it publicly ‘names and shames’ employers who fail to pay the minimum wage. The ‘naming and shaming’ scheme was paused from July 2018 until it recommenced in February 2020 in a revised form.

Employers named include major high street brands, including Estee Lauder, Easyjet, Greggs, Wickes and River Island. One employer, Staffline Recruitment Ltd, failed to pay £5,125,270.93 to 36,767 workers.

The businesses named have since paid back what they owe to their staff and have also faced financial penalties of up to 200% of their underpayment. The investigations by His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) concluded between 2015 and 2023.

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Fire and Rehire: DBT publishes response to consultation on code of practice on dismissal and re-engagement

The Department for Business and Trade has published a response to the consultation on a draft statutory code of practice on dismissal and re-engagement. The consultation lasted from 24 January 2023 to 18 April 2023 and considered the action to be taken by employers when considering whether to dismiss and re-engage employees. As a result of the consultation, the government has made a number of changes to the draft code.

Changes to the code include:

  • a change to the sequencing of the code to ensure the sections on information sharing and consultation appear earlier;
  • the separate lists of information for employers to share located at paragraphs 25 and 33 have been combined;
  • the requirement for employers to conduct a full re-assessment of plans after information sharing and consultation;
  • changing the obligation to phase in changes to ‘best practice’;
  • a reduction in the length of the code and amendments to make it clearer and less technical;
  • a greater requirement on employers contacting ACAS prior to dismissal and re-engagement.

The full response can be found here.

The explanatory memorandum can be found here.

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Immigration: Dates announced on Skilled Worker and Family Immigration

The Minister of State for Legal Migration and the Border, Tom Pursglove MP, has made a Statement to the House of Commons giving more details of the timeline for various aspects of the five-point legal migration plan relating to the Skilled Worker and family migration routes. In terms of new announcements, he confirmed that there will be two sets of Statements of Changes in Immigration Rules, issued on 19 February 2024 and 14 March 2024, and the dates that the changes will come into force for these purposes.

The 19th February 2024 Immigration Rules will come into force on 11 March 2024 and will:

  • remove the right for care workers and senior care workers to bring dependants
  • ensure that care providers in England will only be able to sponsor migrant workers if they are undertaking activities regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The 14 March 2024 Immigration Rules will:

  • raise the Skilled Worker general salary threshold from £26,000 to £38,000 (with some exceptions) from 4 April 2024, and remove the 20% going rate discount for occupations on the Shortage Occupation List (being renamed the Immigration Salary List), as well as temporarily add any occupations as recommended by the Migration Advisory Committee to the new Immigration Salary List
  • raise the minimum income threshold from 11 April 2024 from £18,600 to £29,000 (in due course it will be raised to £34,300 and then £38,700).

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Immigration: Statement of Changes HC 556 stops careworkers from bringing dependants and ends Ukraine Family Scheme

The Home Office has issued a new Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 556, along with an Explanatory Memorandum (EM). The Statement makes anticipated changes as regards the dependants of careworkers and senior careworkers in the Skilled Worker/Health and Care visa route, and also makes a number of surprise and immediate changes to the Ukraine Schemes, including ending the Ukraine Family Scheme from 3pm on the 19th February 2024.

Skilled Worker/Health and care visa route

The Statement implements the first part of the Home Secretary’s ‘Five-point plan for Legal Migration’, which seeks to reduce net migration, and removes the possibility for dependent partners and children to apply in the Skilled Worker/Health and Care visa route where the main applicant is applying in, or has leave in either Standard Occupational Code (SOC) codes 6145 (Care worker) or 6148 (Senior care worker). The change will not apply for dependants where the main applicant already has leave in Skilled Worker in either SOC code, or applied for entry clearance or leave in the route on or before 11 March 2024 (and also will not apply where such a main applicant subsequently applies to extend or change employer in either SOC code, or applies for settlement). It will also not apply for children born in the UK.

In addition, sponsors of persons initially applying in either SOC code on or after 11 March 2024 will be required to have Care Quality Commission (CQC) registration and to be currently carrying out a regulated activity. Similar transitional provisions apply as above for further applications by persons who were granted leave under the Rules on or before 10 March 2024 as regards working for a sponsor which does not meet the new requirements.

These changes are effected via amendments to Appendix Skilled Worker, Appendix Skilled Occupations and Appendix Shortage Occupation List of the Immigration Rules. They come into force for applications submitted on and after 11 March 2024. The EM states that the changes are being made ‘in response to high levels of non-compliance and worker exploitation and abuse, as well as unsustainable levels of demand’. It goes on to say that ‘in the year ending September 2023, 83,072 visas were granted for care workers and a further 18,244 visas for senior care workers, comprising 30% of all work visas granted. In addition, there were 250,297 visas granted for work-related dependants, 69% of which were for Health and Care Worker dependants.’

Ukraine Schemes

Closure of the Ukraine Family Scheme

The Statement announces the closure of the Ukraine Family Scheme from 3pm on 19 February 2024. The Ukraine Family Scheme allowed British nationals and those with a qualifying immigration status to sponsor family members. This included immediate and extended family members, as well as the immediate family members of extended family members (e.g. a British national could sponsor a cousin and their children).

Going forwards many people who could have applied under the Ukraine Family Scheme will have to apply under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme instead. This requires an offer of six months accommodation, assessed as suitable by the local authority.

Persons impacted by this change may need advice on alternative immigration options, such as making a human rights claim to join family in the UK.

Reduction in period of leave to 18 months

Ukraine Scheme visa-holders have been receiving three years leave. From 3pm on 19 February 2024 a positive grant of leave will only result in 18 months leave to remain, rather than three years leave. This affects persons who applied before the change in the law and have not yet received a decision on their case.

A limited exception is for unaccompanied minors, who will still receive three years leave, so long as they made their initial hosting application before 3pm on 19 February 2024, even if the local authority check takes place later. Unaccompanied minors who apply after that date will still only receive 18 months leave.

Extension scheme to close on 16 May 2024 except for some children born in the UK

The Ukraine Extension Scheme allows Ukrainians with a time-limited visa in the UK to switch into the Ukraine Scheme, recognising that Ukrainians cannot be expected to return to Ukraine. The deadline to apply has been changed, but it appears that there are currently no plans to increase the 16 May 2024 deadline for the Scheme. This will mean that Ukrainians on other visas, including visit, student, seasonal worker and family visas, will no longer be able to switch into the Ukraine Extension Scheme from that date.

The Statement creates an exception to the closure of the Ukraine Extension Scheme for children born in the UK to a parent who has leave under the Ukraine Scheme. This will come into force on 11 March 2024. The children will receive leave in line with their parent (or if both parents are here, in line with whichever parent’s leave expires last). Such children have been using this scheme informally already, but it is helpful to see a provision in the Rules. Unfortunately, the new provision is silent on what children born outside the UK to a parent with a Ukraine Scheme visa should do.

Additional grounds for refusal

Part 9 of the Immigration Rules sets out general grounds for refusal of immigration applications on character grounds. Only some of those criteria have so far applies to Ukraine Scheme applications and mainly those focused on criminality. The Statement provides that from 3pm on 19 February 2024 additional grounds for refusal will apply, including previous breaches of immigration laws, failures to provide information when required and other general grounds for refusing entry clearance or cancelling permission on arrival. Anecdotally, there have been some cases of arrivals from Ukraine who do not have the right documentation and so this may be a response to that. This does however indicate a tightening up of visa controls for Ukrainians.

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Further Information:

If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – December 2023

Legal Employment Law

This month we have a plethora of publications and information for you. There are changes to National Living Wage, benefit and pension rates all due in April 2024. Two reports have been published recently looking at pay gaps for those with disabilities and people with different ethnicities, unsurprisingly the news is not positive. Some helpful guidance from the Home Office for employers to ensure they avoid the new raised penalties for employing illegal workers, and the government’s response to the occupational health consultation has been published. Lastly, the CIPD has produced an interesting report on menstruation at work, which is well worth a read to understand how this affects a large proportion of the workforce and what can be done to support women at work.

  • Wage Updates: National Living Wage to apply to all workers aged 21+ from April 2024
  • Wage Updates: New benefit and pension rates published for 2024-25
  • Pay Disparity: TUC publishes latest data on disability pay gap
  • Pay Disparity: ONS publishes new report on ethnicity pay gaps in the UK
  • Immigration: Home Office publishes updated Code of Practice on illegal working penalties
  • Health at Work: Government publishes response to occupational health consultation
  • Health at Work: CIPD report on menstruation and support at work

Wage Updates: National Living Wage to apply to all workers aged 21+ from April 2024

The government has accepted the Low Pay Commission (LPC) recommendations on National Minimum Wage (NMW) and National Living Wage (NLW) rates to apply from 1 April 2024. The LPC notes that this is the largest ever increase to the minimum wage in cash terms. The National Living Wage will apply to all workers aged 21 and over from 1 April 2024 (previously applying only to those aged 23 and over). The new rates are as follows:

  • • 21 and over rate: £11.44 per hour
  • • 18–20 year old rate: £8.60 per hour
  • • 16–17 year old rate: £6.40 per hour
  • • Apprentice rate: £6.40 per hour
  • • Accommodation offset: £9.99 per week

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Wage Updates: New benefit and pension rates published for 2024-25

The government has published proposed new benefit and pension rates for 2024 to 2025 including in respect of Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP), Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP), Statutory Shared Parental Pay (SSPP), Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay (SPBP), Maternity Allowance (MA) and Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). The rates of these benefits are normally increased in April each year in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). The Written Statement to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Mel Stride, states that these rates will rise by 6.7% in line with CPI for the year to September 2023 and the new rates for the tax year 2024–2025 will come into effect on 8 April 2024. The DWP policy paper reveals that:

  • the standard rate for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), ie the rate that applies after the first 6 weeks of pay at 90% of the employee’s normal weekly earnings, will increase from £172.48 to £184.03 per week (or be set at 90% of the employee’s weekly earnings if that amount is lower);
  • the standard rate for Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP), ie the rate that applies after the first 6 weeks of pay at 90% of the employee’s normal weekly earnings, will increase from £172.48 to £184.03 per week (or be set at 90% of the employee’s weekly earnings if that amount is lower);
  • the rate for Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Shared Parental Pay (SPP and SSPP) will increase from £172.48 to £184.03 per week (or be set at 90% of the employee’s weekly earnings if that amount is lower);
  • the rate for Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay will increase from £172.48 to £184.03 per week (or be set at 90% of the employee’s weekly earnings if that amount is lower);
  • the rate for Maternity Allowance (MA) will increase from £172.48 to £184.03 per week (or be set at 90% of the individual’s weekly earnings if that amount is lower);
  • the rate of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will increase from £109.40 to £116.75 per week;
  • the amount of the weekly lower earnings limit, that applies to National Insurance contributions, below which employees are not entitled to SMP, SPP, SAP, SSPP and SSP (but remain entitled to Maternity Allowance) will remain at £123.

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Pay Disparity: TUC publishes latest data on disability pay gap

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has published new analysis of the pay gap between non-disabled and disabled workers. According to data from the TUC, the pay gap is currently higher than it was 10 years ago, with non-disabled workers earning approximately 14.6% more than disabled workers. That makes for a pay difference of £3,460 a year for someone working a 35-hour week – and means that disabled people effectively work for free for the last 47 days of the year. Disabled women face an even bigger pay penalty of 30% (£3.73 an hour, £130.55 a week, or £6,780 a year) less than disabled men –  effectively double discrimination. The research also shows that the disability pay gap persists for workers for most of their careers. At age 25 the pay gap is £1.73 an hour hitting a high of £3.18 an hour, or £111.30 a week, for disabled workers aged 40 to 44. 

The analysis looked at pay data from across the country and found disability pay gaps in every region and nation of the UK. The highest pay gaps are in Wales (21.6% or £2.53 an hour), followed by the South East (19.8% or £2.78 an hour) and the East of England (17.7% or £2.30 an hour). 

The research found that disability pay gaps also vary by industry. The biggest pay gap is in financial and industrial services, where the pay gap stands at a huge 33.2% (£5.60 an hour). 

Not only are disabled workers paid less than non-disabled workers, they are also more likely to be excluded from the job market.  Disabled workers are twice as likely as non-disabled workers to be unemployed (6.7% compared to 3.3%). And the analysis shows disabled BME workers face a much tougher labour market – one in 10 (10.4%) BME disabled workers are unemployed compared to nearly one in 40 (2.6%) white non-disabled workers. 

The analysis shows that disabled workers are more likely than non-disabled workers to be on zero-hours contracts (4.5% to 3.4%). And disabled BME women are nearly three times as likely as non-disabled white men (6.0% to 2.2%) to be on these insecure contracts. 

The TUC says zero-hours contracts hand the employer total control over workers’ hours and earning power, meaning workers never know how much they will earn each week, and their income is subject to the whims of managers.  The union body argues that this makes it hard for workers to plan their lives, look after their children and get to medical appointments. And it makes it harder for workers to challenge unacceptable behaviour by bosses because of concerns about whether they will be penalised by not being allocated hours in future. 

The report goes on to discuss how Labour’s New Deal for Working People would affect workers’ rights.

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Pay Disparity: ONS publishes new report on ethnicity pay gaps in the UK

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published a new report on ethnicity pay gaps in the UK for 2022 which reveals, in particular, that Black, African, Caribbean or Black British employees continue to earn less median gross hourly pay than White employees, which has been consistent since 2012.

The main points from the report are that in the UK in 2022:

  • Black, African, Caribbean or Black British employees earned less (£13.53) median gross hourly pay than White employees (£14.35)
  • between 2012 and 2022, Black, African, Caribbean or Black British employees were the only ethnicity group to be consistently earning less than White employees
  • country of birth had an impact on how much employees earned: UK-born Black, African, Caribbean or Black British employees earned more (£15.18), while non-UK-born Black British employees earned less (£12.95) when compared with UK-born White employees (£14.26), a pay gap of negative 6.5% and 9.2% respectively
  • after holding personal and work characteristics constant, to provide an adjusted pay gap based on a like-for-like comparison, UK-born White employees earn more on average than most ethnic minority employees
  • when adjusting for pay-determining characteristics (e.g. occupation or where the job is), the pay gap narrowed and in some instances reversed, for example:
    • UK-born Asian or Asian British employees earned on average 11.9% more than UK-born White employees, but after adjustment it was estimated that they earned 1.9% less
    • UK-born Black, African, Caribbean or Black British employees, move from earning 6.5% more to earning 5.6% less compared with White employees

Other findings included that:

  • in relation to Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups, White and Black Caribbean employees (a Mixed ethnic group) had the lowest median gross hourly earnings (£11.75) in 2022, compared with White British employees (£14.42). This was a pay gap of 18.5%, the opposite of what was seen for the overall Mixed or Multiple ethnic employees
  • Asian or Asian British employees in 2022 earned more than White employees, with a pay gap of negative 3.3%. However, based on the more detailed ethnicity classification of Asian or Asian British employees in England and Wales, Chinese and Indian employees had higher earnings compared with White British employees, while Bangladeshi and Pakistani employees earned less compared with White British employees
  • a breakdown of White employees showed that the highest earnings were reported by White Irish employees (£20.20 median gross hourly pay), which represents a pay gap of negative 40.1% relative to White British employees. This suggests that White Irish employees are in higher-paid occupations
  • the main factors that explain most differences between the groups were: occupation, highest qualification level, geography, age and sex

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Immigration: Home Office publishes updated Code of Practice on illegal working penalties

The Home Office has published a new draft Code of Practice on the civil penalty schemes for employers (preventing illegal working). The draft is an update to the version published in March 2022 and will be the sixth version of the code. This latest version of the code will be applied to all right to work checks from 22 January 2024 including where a follow-up check is required to maintain a statutory excuse, even if the initial check was undertaken using a previous version of the code which was current at the time. There will be a sixty thousand pound (£60,000) (up from twenty thousand pounds (£20,000)) maximum penalty applied to any employer found to have been employing a person who is disqualified from working by reason of their immigration status in the UK.

The advise is that employers have a key role to play in preventing illegal working in the UK. They do this by carrying out right to work checks on people before employing them, to make sure they are allowed to do the work in question. If you are in any doubt, please contact us so that we can help you avoid a penalty.

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Health at Work: Government publishes response to occupational health consultation

The Department for Work and Pensions has published its response to the consultation it held on increasing employer use of Occupational Health Services entitled ‘Occupational Health: Working Better’. The government has evaluated the responses to the consultation and opted to introduce a voluntary minimum framework for quality occupational health provision and explore new voluntary workplace health and disability standards, examining options for a new small- and medium-sized enterprise group purchasing framework, and learning from the existing Workforce Expansion scheme to develop a long-term strategic occupational workforce approach.

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Health at Work: CIPD report on menstruation and support at work

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has published the findings from its survey of over 2,000 women, aged 18–60. The report, CIPD: Menstruation and support at work looks at the prevalence and type of menstruation symptoms, their impact on work, menstrual health conditions and the impact these have on the ability of employees to stay in and progress at work. It highlights the difference workplace support can make and the types of adjustments that are seen to be most helpful when managing symptoms at work.

This detailed report provides an eye-opening (and at times quite shocking) insight into the extent to which women experience symptoms from menstruation (i.e. periods) and from menstrual health conditions, and the impact these have on them at work.

The report is helpful to both employers and employees in demonstrating the scale of the problem and the need for an open and supportive workplace—this may form part of the employer’s work on employee wellbeing or ESG issues.

Managers need to be educated and trained about menstruation and menstrual health and the employer should encourage a culture where women feel comfortable discussing their symptoms and the impact these have on them. This would benefit everyone because it would reduce misunderstandings about absences, reduce the risk of discrimination and, in time, hopefully help to reduce gender pay gaps.

In the report the CIPD explains that:

‘Employers offering appropriate support in the workplace can help people feel included, offer dignity and reduce embarrassment. It can increase employee attendance, but also legitimise absence where this is needed. It can increase employee performance, engagement, retention and employer branding.

Employers can improve employee experience by creating environments and work cultures that are menstruation friendly, and providing support for menstrual health conditions that are underpinned by the principles of compassion, empathy and inclusivity.’

The introduction to the report explains that:

  • the survey included over 2,000 women, aged 18-60, who currently menstruate, or have previously menstruated, while in employment;
  • ‘menstruation’ refers to the monthly period in which bleeding occurs;
  • ‘menstrual health’ has a broader meaning and recognises that while menstruation is a natural bodily function, some people experience physical and/or mental health symptoms and challenges linked to menstruation. These range from painful, heavy and/or irregular periods and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) through to formally diagnosed chronic health conditions such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Some of these conditions can have significant impacts on daily life and can also affect fertility;
  • while the report predominantly references women in relation to menstruation and menstrual health, the CIPD recognises that there is also an impact on some transgender and non-binary individuals who will require support and flexibility relevant to their needs.

What were the key findings?

Prevalence of symptoms

The responses to the survey showed that:

  • 57% of those responding currently menstruate each month and 92% say they have previously menstruated each month while in employment;
  • 79% of respondents have experienced menstruation symptoms, with the most common being abdominal cramps (60%), feeling irritable (52%), fatigue (49%), bloating (49%) and low mood (47%), but there are a wide range of symptoms;
  • those aged 18–34 were more likely to experience a high proportion of the symptoms;
  • 15% have a menstrual condition such as endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD or fibroids.

Impact at work

In relation to how these symptoms impacted on people at work, the report states that:

  • 69% of those who have experienced symptoms from menstruation report that they have had a negative impact at work, rising to 81% for people with a diagnosed menstrual condition;
  • the kinds of effects people have experienced are many and varied, but the main ones are feeling more tired (79%), working when they haven’t felt well enough to do so (61%) and feeling less able to concentrate (63%);
  • 53% had been unable to go to work at some point because of menstruation symptoms and for 4% this was the case every month;
  • 49% never tell their manager that their absence is related to their menstrual cycle;
  • 20% always tell their manager that their absence is related to their menstrual cycle;
  • employees are less likely to tell their manager if their manager is male;
  • reasons given for not telling their manager the real reason included that they felt the problem would be trivialised (45%), feeling embarrassed (43%), that they prefer to keep the matter private (42%), that there’s too much stigma/ taboo (35%), that the employer/ manager wouldn’t be understanding (24%), having a male manager (24%) and worried the manager would think that performance would be affected (19%);
  • people are more likely to feel supported by colleagues than by their employer or manager (41%, compared with 21% and 26%, respectively);
  • 12% of employees report that their organisation provides support for menstruation and menstrual health and 67% said there is no support available;
  • the most common support available is free period products (18%), paid sick leave (15%) and paid time off for medical appointments (12%);
  • the types of support that respondents said would be most helpful included free period products (53%), planned flexible working (44%), more breaks when needed (41%), paid time off for medical appointments (39%), paid sick leave (32%), access to a rest room (e.g. lounge area) (31%), adjustments to work tasks (28%), a better equipped bathroom (e.g. with a shower) (27%), clothing change (25%), and free hot water bottles (23%).

The wider impact of menstruation at work

The findings of the report include that:

  • 6% of respondents say that menstrual symptoms have impacted them in a way which has led to formal action at work;
  • 7% feel they have been discriminated against at work because of menstrual symptoms (those with a male manager (8%) are more likely to say this than those who have a female manager (4%));
  • a lack of support has promoted 8% to leave or consider leaving their jobs;
  • 12% say that their menstrual symptoms have had a negative impact on their career progression;
  • workplace support makes a difference with those who work in organisations without support more likely to say that their symptoms had a negative impact on their career progression (14% compared with 5% who work for organisations with support).

Recommendations and good practice

The CIPD makes the following recommendations for supporting menstrual health in the workplace:

  • build an open and inclusive culture where menstruation is normalised thorough supportive discussions and open dialogue;
  • create awareness and tackle stigma;
  • develop a support framework;
  • train and support people managers.

For full details of how these can be implemented, see pages 13–14 of the report.

In addition to the recommendations above, organisations can offer specific support for employees experiencing menstrual health conditions, e.g.:

  • embedding good people management practices;
  • creating the climate for successful sharing of information;
  • ensuring employees have easy access to information and support;
  • managing absence and performance management with compassion and flexibility;
  • providing access to, and training in, work adjustments.

For further information on ways to implement these in the context of menstrual wellbeing and health, see pages 14–15 of the report.

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Further Information:

If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – November 2023

Employment Law

This month’s employment law updates cover various critical issues. The Work and Pensions Committee seeks input on statutory sick pay, while the Government has published its response to the EU employment law consultations. The Home Office updates illegal working penalty guidelines, and we have Government guidance on the handling labour unions before strikes. The TUC’s data on the disability pay gap underscores the importance of inclusivity, and a WoRC report examines systemic factors in the exploitation of migrant workers. Stay informed for compliance in this evolving employment landscape.

  • Sick Pay: Work and Pensions Committee publishes call for evidence on statutory sick pay
  • Retained EU Employment Law: Government response to consultation and new draft regulations available
  • Immigration: Home Office publishes updated code of practice on illegal working penalties
  • Trade Unions: Government publishes guidance on issuing work notices ahead of strike action
  • Disability: TUC publishes latest data on disability pay gap
  • Immigration: WoRC report looks at systemic drivers of UK migrant worker exploitation

 Sick Pay: Work and Pensions Committee publishes call for evidence on statutory sick pay

The Work and Pensions Committee has issued a call for evidence on statutory sick pay (SSP), requesting the public views and ability to submit evidence until Friday, 8 December 2023. The Work and Pensions Select Committee calls for this inquiry to assess the existing ‘effectiveness of SSP in supporting claimants and if SSP should be reformed to better enable a recipient’s recovery and return to work’.

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Retained EU Employment Law: Government response to consultation and new draft regulations available

Retained EU Employment Law consultation response

The government has officially released its response to the ‘Retained EU Employment Law’ consultation, addressing proposed reforms within the Working Time Regulations 1998 (WTR) related to annual leave, holiday pay calculations, and record-keeping requirements. Additionally, it responded to the consultation concerning the annual leave entitlement calculation for part-year and irregular hours workers in light of the Supreme Court’s Harpur Trust v Brazel 2022 ICR 1380 decision.

The government has proposed the introduction of a ‘rolled-up’ holiday pay system for irregular hours and part-year workers and allow for an annual leave accrual method of 12.07% of hours worked for these groups. This means that instead of receiving a separate payment when taking annual leave, certain workers, specifically those with irregular hours or part-year employment (which may include agency workers), will get an extra amount added to their regular pay.

However, the government has decided not to proceed with the idea of creating a single annual leave entitlement that combines the ‘basic’ and ‘additional’ annual leave entitlements into a single 5.6-week entitlement (i.e. four weeks required by EU law and the 1.6 weeks mandated by the Working Time Regulations). Instead, they want to maintain two separate “pots” of annual leave with two different pay rates. This means that workers will still receive four weeks of leave at their normal pay rate and 1.6 weeks at a basic pay rate.

Additionally, the government plans to pass laws to make it clearer what should be included in the calculation of normal remuneration for holiday pay. They are also considering more significant changes to how holiday pay rates are determined.

In response to the Harpur Trust ruling, the initial proposal suggested using a 52-week reference period to calculate annual leave entitlement. However, many people raised concerns about the extra work this would create and the challenges it posed for workers whose hours changed from year to year or for those in their first year of employment.

To keep things simpler, the government has opted for a different approach. They will use an accrual method to figure out annual leave entitlement, where workers get 12.07% of the hours they’ve worked in a specific pay period. This method was commonly used before the Harpur Trust decision and better reflects the hours a worker has actually worked in the current year. For other workers in their first year of employment, things will remain the same. They will continue to accrue annual leave by receiving 1/12th of their statutory entitlement on the first day of each month and adjusting it accordingly.

The response also mentions that the government will maintain certain EU case laws to protect workers’ rights regarding carrying over unused annual leave when they can’t take it due to maternity, family-related leave, or being sick. They will also introduce a way for irregular hours and part-year workers to accrue annual leave when they’ve had periods of maternity, family-related leave, or sickness.

Additionally, the government will proceed with changes to record-keeping requirements in the Working Time Regulations (WTR). This change clarifies that businesses do not have to keep daily records of how many hours each worker works. This clarification aims to address concerns that a previous ruling by the European Court of Justice might have required employers to track the exact daily hours worked by each employee, rather than maintaining adequate and proportionate records based on the workplace and working patterns.

Regarding TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings), the government will move forward with its proposal to simplify consultation obligations during a transfer. Small businesses (with fewer than 50 employees) will be allowed to directly consult with employees if there are no existing employee representatives, avoiding the need to organize elections for new representatives. Additionally, businesses of any size can directly consult with employees (if there are no existing representatives) when a transfer involves fewer than ten employees.Top of Form

Draft Regulations

The Department of Business and Trade has published the draft Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Regulations 2023. The draft SI restates some protections in relation to pregnancy, maternity and breastfeeding, indirect discrimination, access to employment and occupation, equal pay and the definition of disability which would otherwise be lost from 1 January 2024 under the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023 (REUL(RR)A 2023).

These draft regulations are proposed to reproduce in domestic law certain interpretive effects of retained EU law which, under REUL(RR)A 2023, will cease to apply to the UK statute book after the end of 2023. This will mean that, in the areas covered by this instrument, the law will continue to have the same effect after the end of 2023 as it did before. They are due to come into force on 1 January 2024.

The draft Employment Rights (Amendment, Revocation and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 will amend the Working Time Regulations 1998 (in relation to record-keeping, paid holiday for irregular hours workers and part-year workers, normal pay, and the carrying forward of paid holiday) and the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (in relation to information and consultation obligations on small businesses for transfers on or after 1 July 2024) and revoke the European Cooperative Society (Involvement of Employees) Regulations 2006. They are due to come into force on 1 January 2024.

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Immigration: Home Office publishes updated code of practice on illegal working penalties

The Home Office has published a new draft Code of Practice on the civil penalty schemes for employers (preventing illegal working). The draft is an update to the version published in March 2022 and will be the sixth version of the code. This latest version of the code will be applied to all right to work checks from 22 January 2024 including where a follow-up check is required to maintain a statutory excuse, even if the initial check was undertaken using a previous version of the code which was current at the time.

The draft code has been amended further to the issue of draft Statutory Instruments (SIs) which will raise the starting point for penalties to £45,000 for a breach (if there are no previous breaches in the last three years) and £60,000 for repeated breaches. The draft codes will come into force at the same time as the related SIs, which are: (Employment of Adults Subject to Immigration Control) (Maximum Penalty) (Amendment) Order 2023 and the Immigration (Restrictions on Employment and Residential Accommodation) (Codes of Practice) (Amendment) Order 2023. These are each stated to come into force on 22 January 2024, or, if later, on the twenty-first day after the day on which it is made. However, the code assumes 22 January 2024 as a commencement date.

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Trade Unions: Government publishes guidance on issuing work notices ahead of strike action

The Department of Business and Trade has published guidance for employers, trade unions and workers on issuing work notices ahead of strike action. Work notices, which were introduced under the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023, allow employers to require a workforce to meet minimum service levels for an upcoming strike period where the trade union has given notice to the employer of the strike and the employer provides a service covered by minimum service level regulations.

The new guidance is designed to be read alongside the government’s range of guidance on industrial action which can be found here.

The guidance covers:

  • the purpose of a work notice and the steps for preparing it;
  • considerations when preparing a work notice;
  • considerations upon deciding to issue a work notice;
  • consulting with trade unions;
  • guidance on producing a work notice;
  • guidance on notifying workers of a notice;
  • duties on workers and trade unions following issue of a work notice;
  • data protection issues.

The full guidance can be found here.

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Disability: TUC publishes latest data on disability pay gap

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has published new analysis [TUC slams “zero progr<a id=”back”></a>ess” on disability pay gap in last decade | TUC] of the pay gap between non-disabled and disabled workers. According to data from the TUC, the pay gap is currently higher than it was 10 years ago, with non-disabled workers earning approximately 14.6% more than disabled workers.

The key findings of the analysis include:

  • the pay gap is only marginally lower than it was when the TUC launched disability Pay Gap Day in 2016/17;
  • disabled women face the biggest pay penalty with non-disabled men earning an average of 30% more;
  • the industry with the biggest pay gap is financial and industrial services which currently stands at 33.2%;
  • disabled workers are twice as likely to be unemployed than non-disabled workers;
  • one in 10 BME disabled workers are unemployed compared to nearly one in 40 white non-disabled workers;
  • disabled workers are more likely to be on zero-hours contracts than non-disabled workers.

The TUC has called for action from the government to put an end to discrimination against disabled workers in the labour market and has backed Labour’s New Deal for Working People.

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Immigration: WoRC report looks at systemic drivers of UK migrant worker exploitation

The charity Work Rights Centre (WoRC) has published a report which looks at what lies behind increasing reports of migrant worker exploitation in the UK, particularly in certain sectors such as health and care. Drawing on 40 case studies, interviews with caseworkers, and policy analysis, the report identifies the post-Brexit work sponsorship system and piecemeal/weak labour enforcement as two key systemic drivers. It makes a number of recommendations, including reforms to the work sponsorship system (replacing employer sponsorship entirely, or alternatively a range of reforms to the sponsorship system to facilitate protection of sponsored migrants against exploitation), increasing protections for all workers (including establishing a Single Enforcement Body for all labour rights, giving protection against unfair dismissal from the first day of employment and instituting secure reporting of exploitative practices), and implementing a migrant worker welfare strategy (including the creation of an independent Migrant Commissioner role).

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If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – September 2023

Employment Law

We bring you an update of some key pieces of information affecting employment law, and potentially employers, published over the last two months to help keep you up to date.

  • Immigration: Number of Home Office-approved sponsor employers, by visa route, as at 13 September 2023
  • Economic Crime: Lords to drop Anti-Money Laundering provisions in Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill
  • Trade Unions: TUC to report government to ILO over Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023
  • Data Protection: ICO seeks views on first phase of draft biometric data guidance

Immigration: Number of Home Office-approved sponsor employers, by visa route, as at 13 September 2023

The Home Office has published the number of approved employer sponsors, according to visa route, as listed on the Home Office’s register of licensed sponsors on the specified date. As at 13 September 2023, Skilled Worker sponsors account for the majority of employers (80.70%). 10.75% of sponsors have a Global Business Mobility: Senior or Specialist Worker licence, and the remaining 13 work routes account for the remaining (8.55%).

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Economic Crime: Lords to drop Anti-Money Laundering provisions in Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill

Peers in the House of Lords on 11 September 2023 sought to strike a compromise with the Commons over controversial provisions in economic crime legislation by curtailing a new corporate criminal offence while also limiting the size of companies caught in its net. Peers dropped plans by unanimous consent to expand corporate criminal liability in the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill to include a new offence making it a crime for companies that fail to prevent money laundering. But members of Parliament’s upper chamber also voted 211-185 in favour of exempting only the very smallest of companies from a government offence holding companies criminally liable for failing to prevent fraud.

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Trade Unions: TUC to report government to ILO over Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has announced that it is reporting the government to the International Labour Organization (ILO) over the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023. The TUC has stated that the legislation falls far below international legal standards and there are concerns that the legislation could be in breach of the UK-EU trade agreement. The ILO has already warned the government that existing and prospective legislation should be in line with ILO standards.

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Workers’ Rights: TUC launches AI taskforce to help fill legislative gap

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has announced the launch of a new AI taskforce as part of its ‘urgent’ call for new legislation safeguarding workers’ rights. The taskforce has been launched following warnings that the UK is ‘way behind the curve’ on AI regulation, with many EU and other countries already drafting legislation specific to AI in the workplace. The taskforce will consist of leading specialists in law, technology, politics, HR and the voluntary sector with the primary purpose of filling any current legislative gaps in UK employment law around AI regulation at work. The taskforce will aim to publish an expert-drafted AI and Employment Bill in the early part of 2024.

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Data Protection: ICO seeks views on first phase of draft biometric data guidance

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published the first phase of draft biometric and data guidance, which explains how data protection law applies when biometric data is used in biometric recognition systems. The consultation on the first phase will close on 20 October 2023, with the second phase opening for a call of evidence in 2024.

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HMRC Update: August Employer Bulletin

HMRC has published its bi-monthly magazine providing the latest information on payroll-related topics for employers and agents.

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If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – June 2023

Employment Law

This month we bring you updates on government reforms to employment law and the ping-pong battle over which laws shall be retained following Brexit; which companies are failing to pay national minimum wage, a review in diversity and goals for the 4 day week for political parties to endorse; our UK strike laws are being critiqued and we will soon know which occupations we are most lacking in the UK.

  • Brexit: Government consults on reforms to working time rules, holiday pay and TUPE
  • Brexit: Lords put further amendments back to Commons on REULRR Bill
  • Pay: Department for Business and Trade names companies failing to pay NMW
  • Diversity: Parker review sets new targets for FTSE 350 and private companies
  • Working Patterns: 4 Day Week campaign launches Mini Manifesto
  • Trade Unions: International Labour Organization comments on UK strike laws
  • Immigration: MAC intends to publish its shortage occupation list review in autumn 2023

Brexit: Government consults on reforms to working time rules, holiday pay and TUPE

On 12 May 2023, the government published a consultation paper, setting out its plans regarding the future of retained EU employment law. The consultation paper confirms the government’s intention to keep retained EU employment laws in the following areas without any change: family leave rights (maternity, paternity, adoption and parental leave), ‘atypical’ workers’ rights (part-time workers, fixed-term workers and agency workers), and information and consultation rights. However, certain reforms are proposed in the areas of working time, paid holiday rights and rights upon the transfer of a business or an outsourcing. The government says it has identified areas for reform of laws it considers are ‘too onerous for business to be used effectively or too complex for workers to know, understand and use’. Amanda Steadman, principal knowledge lawyer at Brahams Dutt Badrick French LLP, sets out in her article the proposed changes in the consultation and the next steps.

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Brexit: Lords put further amendments back to Commons on REULRR Bill

On 24 May 2023, the House of Commons debated the Lords amendments to the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill (REULRR Bill), with a majority of MPs disagreeing with three amendments. Lords amendments 6, 15 and 42 were rejected and Lords amendments 1 and 16 were further amended. Lords amendments 2 to 5, 7 to 14, 17 to 41 and 43 were agreed to.

On 20 June 2023, the House of Lords debated Commons amendments to the REULRR Bill. The Lords approved two amended motions, proposing amendments in lieu of those previously rejected by the House of Commons. These amendments relate to the two outstanding issues in debate—environmental protection and parliamentary scrutiny. Continuing the ‘ping pong’ process, the House of Commons considered the Lords message on 21 June 2023, with the government moving that the Lords amendments be rejected again. The Bill was scheduled to return to the House of Lords on 26 June 2023.

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Pay: Department for Business and Trade names companies failing to pay NMW

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has published the names of 202 employers who have failed to provide their lowest paid staff the national minimum wage (NMW). Approximately 63,000 workers across the companies did not receive NMW as a result of deductions from wages (39%), failure by the companies to properly compensate for working time (39%) and incorrect apprenticeship rates (21%).

In the top 3 in this Round 19 are WH Smith Retail Holdings Ltd, Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd and Marks and Spencer PLC. Some in the list owe as little as £5500 to one employee but the larger offenders have failed to pay cumulatively hundreds of thousands of pounds to thousands of workers.

Employers are reminded that the minimum wage law applies to all parts of the UK. Employers should always carry out the necessary checks (guidance is available on the Gov website: Calculating the Minimum Wage), and HMRC consider all complaints from workers, so they are reminding workers to check their pay with advice available through the Check your pay website.

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Diversity: Parker review sets new targets for FTSE 350 and private companies

The Parker Review Committee has published a 2023 update report on ‘Improving the Ethnic Diversity of UK Business’. The independent review, which published its first report in 2016, was commissioned by the former Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to consult on ethnic diversity in UK boards. The review also set several diversity targets for FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 companies. The update contains the results of the review’s survey of those targets in 2022 in addition to a number of new targets to be achieved by 2027.

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Working Patterns: 4 Day Week campaign launches Mini Manifesto

The 4 Day week campaign has published a ‘Mini Manifesto’, which they are calling on political parties to endorse ahead of the next general election. 4 Day Week is a national campaign for a 32-hour working week with no reduction in pay. The manifesto lays out the campaign’s key principles and goals.

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Trade Unions: International Labour Organization comments on UK strike laws

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has critiqued the UK’s strike laws and called for the UK government to bring union laws in line with international law. In a rare intervention that has not been used against the UK since 1995, the ILO issued an instruction for ministers to seek assistance from the ILO and report back on progress by 1 September 2023. The Trades Union Congress has called this ‘hugely embarrassing’ for ministers.

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Immigration: MAC intends to publish its shortage occupation list review in autumn 2023

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has confirmed, by way of an update to its guidance webpage, that it intends to publish its report reviewing the shortage occupation list in autumn 2023. This is later than the anticipated date of June 2023, as stated in previous press releases.

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If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – April 2023

Employment Law

A lot going on this month. New rates and consultations regarding NLW and NMW, new requirement for immigration scale-up route, an update on the Retained EU Law Bill and discussions over the definition of ‘sex’ under the Equality Act. Meanwhile, there is a review into whistleblowing law, an inquiry into seasonal worker visas, a blog on loneliness in the workplace, and a review relating to the work prospects of autistic people.

  • Staff Pay: Changes to rates of National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage and 2023 consultations
  • Whistleblowing: Government launches whistleblowing law review
  • Immigration: Home Office publishes details of a new endorsement requirement for the Scale-up route
  • Immigration: MAC Chair publishes letter regarding inquiry into Seasonal Worker visa
  • Welfare: Glassdoor reveals survey findings on employee loneliness
  • Disability: DWP publishes new review to increase work prospects of autistic people
  • Disability: Commons briefing highlights lowest rates of employment among disabled people are for those on autism spectrum
  • Brexit: An update on the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill
  • Equality Act: EHRC respond to Minister’s request to clarify the definition of ‘sex’

Staff Pay: Changes to rates of National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage and 2023 consultations

SI 2023/354: These Regulations are made to amend the National Minimum Wage Regulations 2015, SI 2015/621. They come into force on 1 April 2023 and increase:

  • the rate of the national living wage for workers who are aged 23 or over from £9.50 to £10.42 per hour
  • the rate of the national minimum wage for workers who are aged 21 or over (but not yet aged 23) from £9.18 to £10.18 per hour
  • the rate of the national minimum wage for workers who are aged 18 or over (but not yet aged 21) from £6.83 to £7.49 per hour
  • the rate of the national minimum wage for workers who are under the age of 18 from £4.81 to £5.28 per hour
  • the rate for apprentices within SI 2015/621, reg 5(1)(a) and (b) from £4.81 to £5.28 per hour
  • the accommodation offset amount which is applicable where any employer provides a worker with living accommodation from £8.70 to £9.10 for each day that accommodation is provided

The Low Pay Commission (LPC) has published a consultation seeking views on the impact of National Living Wage (NLW) and National Minimum Wage (NMW) increases for 2024. The NLW is expected to rise to between £10.90 and £11.43 in 2024. The information gathered will be used to inform the LPC’s recommendations to the government in the Autumn. The consultation closes on 9 June 2023 at 11:45pm.

See also our updated Facts and Figures for 2023

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Whistleblowing: Government launches whistleblowing law review

On 27 March 2023, the government published a press release confirming that they have launched a review of the whistleblowing framework. The press release states that the review will gather evidence on the effectiveness of the current whistleblowing regime in enabling workers to speak about wrongdoing and protect those who do so. The press release confirms that the evidence gathering stage of the review will end in Autumn 2023. The review will pursue views and evidence from whistleblowers, key charities, employers and regulators.

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Immigration: Home Office publishes details of a new endorsement requirement for the Scale-up route

The Home Office has updated its sponsor guidance in relation to the Scale-up route. Notably, it confirms that an ‘endorsing body pathway’ is being launched, on 13 April 2023, for prospective employer applicants who do not meet the sponsor licence eligibility requirements (eg ‘if their HMRC history is not long enough’). As an alternative, prospective sponsors will be able to obtain an endorsement from a Home Office-approved endorsing body and submit this with the licence application (which must be made no more than three months from the date of endorsement). The guidance confirms that the endorsement process will attract a fee, and further details will be published in due course. Other changes include a new Annex SC2, setting out the changes to the route from 12 April 2023, in line with the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 1160.

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Immigration: MAC Chair publishes letter regarding inquiry into Seasonal Worker visa

The Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), Professor Brian Bell, has published a letter written to the Minister of State for Immigration, Robert Jenrick, regarding an inquiry into the Seasonal Worker visa. The inquiry will consider the rules under which the scheme operates, the size and costs of the scheme, the potential for exploitation and poor labour market practice, evidence from international comparisons and the long-run need for such a scheme. Bell has also confirmed that MAC will be working with the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) during the inquiry.

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Welfare: Glassdoor reveals survey findings on employee loneliness

Glassdoor has published a blog with insights from its new study which surveyed 2,000 employees to understand the levels of employee loneliness in the UK. The blog reveals the impact of poor workplace social life and the importance of workplace friendships to retaining staff.

Key findings include:

  • six in ten people with less than five years of work experience are lonely all or most of the time
  • only 51% of employees connect socially with colleagues at least once a month
  • 28% of workers under 35 would stay in a job they did not like if the workplace social life was good
  • 89% of workers believe feeling a sense of belonging with their company is vital to their overall workplace happiness
  • nearly 49% of workers say a good social life has a significant impact on their overall job satisfaction and mental health

Common reasons for workplace loneliness include less in-person interaction with co-workers, inflexibility in the workplace, and a lack of focus on creating a sense of belonging or community by an employer.

Glassdoor reveals that without a good workplace social life, workers are more likely to be less productive and engaged. They are also more likely to experience stress, anxiety and eventually burnout.


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Disability: DWP publishes new review to increase work prospects of autistic people

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), supported by the autism charity Autistica, has launched a review, the Buckland Review of Autism Employment, to increase the employment prospects of autistic people. The review, which will be led by Sir Robert Buckland KC MP and start in May 2023, will consider how the government can support employers to recruit and retain autistic people and enjoy the benefits of a neurodiverse workforce. Recommendations for change will be made to the Secretary of State in September 2023.

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Disability: Commons briefing highlights lowest rates of employment among disabled people are for those on autism spectrum

The House of Commons has released a research briefing on autism, policy and services. The briefing sets out the Department for Work and Pensions’ annual set of statistics on the employment of disabled people, which reports that the lowest rates of employment among disabled people are those on the autism spectrum.

In the 2020–21 financial year, 26.5% of disabled people on the autism spectrum were in employment, compared to 52.5% of all disabled people and 80.4% of non-disabled people in the same period. In 2016, the National Autistic Society reported that 77% of unemployed people with autism wanted to work.

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Brexit: An update on the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill

Retained EU law is a concept created by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. This Act took a ‘snapshot’ of EU law as it applied to the UK at the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020 and provided for it to continue to apply in domestic law. The Bill would automatically revoke, or ‘sunset’, most retained EU law at the end of 2023. This would not apply to retained EU law that is domestic primary legislation.

Ministers and devolved authorities could exempt most (but not all) retained EU law from the sunset, and UK ministers (but not devolved authorities) could delay the sunset until 23 June 2026 at the latest for specific descriptions of retained EU law. Any retained EU law that still applied after the end of 2023 would be renamed as assimilated law. The Bill would give ministers and devolved authorities powers to restate, reproduce, revoke, replace or update retained EU law and assimilated law by statutory instrument.

The Bill would also repeal the principle of supremacy of retained EU law from UK law at the end of 2023, although its effects could be reproduced by statutory instrument in relation to specific pieces of retained EU law. The Bill would also make changes to the way that courts could depart from retained EU case law.

The Bill would change the way that some types of retained EU law can be modified. It would ‘downgrade’ retained direct EU legislation so that this could be amended by secondary legislation. It would also remove additional parliamentary scrutiny requirements that currently apply when modifying some types of EU-derived domestic secondary legislation.

The government has published a ‘dashboard’ of retained EU law, although it acknowledges this is not a comprehensive catalogue of all retained EU law that may be in scope of the Bill. The dashboard is due to be updated regularly.

Concerns have been raised throughout the Bill’s progress about the amount of retained EU law to be reviewed before the sunset deadline and whether some may end up being revoked inadvertently. In the Commons, MPs expressed concerns about the impact of large-scale and rapid changes to the statute book as a consequence of the Bill and have highlighted a lack of clarity about what retained EU law the government intends to keep, particularly in the areas of employment, environmental and consumer protections. They were also critical of a lack of parliamentary scrutiny of and input into the process of reforming retained EU law. However, the only amendments made to the Bill in the House of Commons were government amendments to clarify the Bill’s drafting.

The Bill is now with the House of Lords. Five days of Committee proceedings—when a Bill is examined in detail—concluded on 8 March 2023.

Over the five days, Peers put forward many amendments to the Bill on a range of subjects. Opposition peers were scathing in their comments on the Bill. For example, Baroness Ludford (LD), said the Bill was ‘pretty hopeless’ and accused the government of adopting a ‘slash and burn’ approach to legislative reform, with opposition amendments seeking to bring to it ‘some rationalisation and order’. For the government, Lord Callanan, said, on the contrary, a ‘significant minority’ of retained EU law was ‘legally inoperable’ and that it was ‘not good governance’ to subject it to ‘complex and unnecessary parliamentary processes’ before being able to remove it from the statute book. He added that the amendments, including those seeking to delay the sunset, would ‘hamper efforts to realise the opportunities the Bill presents’.

The Bill has come out of Committee stage in the Lords with amendments, including the insertion of a new clause setting out exceptions to the sunset of REUL, and it seems likely that further amendments will be made at Report stage. It is noteworthy that at Second Reading in the Lords a significant number of Conservative peers spoke against the Bill. The level of opposition expressed by peers from all parties indicates that it may not be straightforward for the government to get the Bill into law. It seems likely that the government will need to accept at least some of the Lords’ amendments if it wishes to avoid a lengthy period of ‘ping pong’ between the Lords and the Commons.

In contrast to the approach being taken in respect of much retained EU law, the House of Lords is, in parallel, scrutinising the Financial Services and Markets Bill, which would similarly revoke retained EU law relating to financial services, but contains developed provisions which enable the Treasury and financial services regulators to replace that EU Law with legislation designed specifically for UK markets.

Report stage on the Bill—a further chance for the House of Lords to closely scrutinise elements of the Bill and make changes—began on 19 April 2023.

Authors: David Mundy, Aaron Nelson, and Joanna Purkis at BDB Pitmans, for LexisNexis. 

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Equality Act: EHRC respond to Minister’s request to clarify the definition of ‘sex’

On 21 February 2023, the Minister for Women and Equalities, Kemi Badenoch, requested advice from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) regarding the definition of the protected characteristic of ‘sex’ in the Equality Act 2010 (EqA 2010). EHRC have provided an initial response to the Minister’s request namely suggesting that the UK government carefully consider implications any change to the legislation could have.

Further Information:

If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:


The data contained within this document is for general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies. Readers are also advised that the law and practice may change from time to time. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, legal or tax advice. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.

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Employment Law General Update – March 2023

Employment Law

This month the news focuses on some key employment announcements from the Spring budget, changes to work checks guidance, a new proposed UK version of GDPR and a proposed right to request a more predictable working pattern. Lastly a new government employment champion has been announced to urge businesses to take action on the menopause.

  • Spring Budget 2023: Key Employment Announcements
  • Immigration: Revisions made to right to work checks guidance
  • GDPR: Government announces new UK version of GDPR
  • Working Practices: Proposed new statutory right to request a more predictable working pattern
  • Menopause: Czar urges businesses to step up on policies

Spring Budget 2023 – Key Employment Announcements

In the Spring Budget 2023, delivered on 15 March 2023, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, announced a series of measures intended to support the UK workforce. Among the announcements were the introduction of a new Health and Disability White Paper on how to provide support and opportunities for workers with disabilities, the planned abolition of the lifetime allowance to encourage workers over 50 to stay in employment, the reiteration of government support for Private Members’ Bills providing unpaid carers with additional leave, parents with greater protections against redundancy, and parents of children in neonatal care with paid statutory leave, and commitments to encourage and facilitate flexible working arrangements between employers and employees.

In respect of immigration, Jeremy Hunt announced measures to tackle immediate labour shortages and ease business visits to the UK and further support for those who have come to the UK through the Ukraine Visa Schemes. Building off the Autumn Statement 2022, the Budget confirmed the government’s plan to deliver on three of the five key priorities set out by the Prime Minister in January: to halve inflation, reduce debt and grow the economy. The Spring Budget 2023 lists employment, education and enterprises as priorities for delivering on growth and building a high wage high skill economy.

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Immigration: Revisions made to right to work checks guidance

The Home Office has updated its guidance for employers carrying out right to work checks. The guidance was updated late in the day on 28 February 2023 to reflect legislative changes and current practice. Examples include clarifying that employers should carry out on an online check for those with a pending Home Office application, administrative review or appeal, circumstances in which an employer should contact the Employer Checking Service and what employers should do if they are presented with a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) with an expiry date of 31 December 2024. Similar changes have been made, on the same day, to the right to rent checks guidance for landlords.

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GDPR: Government announces new UK version of GDPR

The UK government has announced that British businesses will save billions of pounds through a new version of GDPR, which will replace the EU’s data protection laws after Brexit. The new law will allow UK businesses to avoid costly compliance fees and will maintain high levels of data protection for consumers. The changes are expected to provide a boost to the UK economy and enhance the UK’s reputation as a leader in data protection.

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Working Practices: Proposed new statutory right to request a more predictable working pattern

The Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Bill (the Bill) proposes to give eligible workers a new statutory right to request a more predictable working pattern. This follows the Taylor review of modern working practices and the resulting 2018 Good Work Plan in which the government committed to introduce policies to end ‘one-sided flexibility’. Eligible workers (not just employees) will have the right to make a request where:

  • there is a lack of predictability as regards any part of their work pattern (the work pattern being the number of working hours, the days of the week and the times on those days when the worker works, and the length of the worker’s contract)
  • the change relates to their work pattern
  • their purpose in applying for the change is to get a more predictable work pattern

An application must state that it is a request for a more predictable working pattern, and specify the change applied for and the date on which it is proposed it should take effect.

The Bill does not contain other earlier government commitments to introduce a right to reasonable notice of working hours and compensation for shifts cancelled without reasonable notice.

A worker can only apply for a change to their working pattern if they have been employed by the same employer (whether or not under the same contract) at some point during the month immediately preceding a ‘prescribed period’ (this will be specified in regulations and is expected to be 26 weeks ending with the date of the application). There is no requirement for the service to be continuous.

A worker can only make two applications in any 12-month period. This includes any application under the flexible working provisions if that request is for a change which would result in a more predictable contract.

The Bill contains a similar set of rights for agency workers:

  • an agency worker may be able to apply to a temporary work agency for a more predictable working pattern where they have had a contract with the agency at some point in the month immediately before a ‘prescribed period’ (to be set out in regulations)
  • if the agency worker has worked for a hirer in the same role continuously for 12 weeks (within a period of time which will be set out in regulations) they may also be able to apply to the hirer for a contract of employment, or other worker’s contract, which is more predictable than their current working pattern

There is no definition of ‘predictability’ in the Bill. It does, however, specifically state that workers on a fixed term contract of 12 months or less may request that the term is extended or becomes permanent. Other than that, it seems that a ‘lack of predictability’ will cover any worker whose hours or days vary in a way which provides them with uncertainty, such as:

  • casual/zero hours workers without a guaranteed number of hours
  • annualised hours workers if the employer has discretion over the working pattern
  • workers whose hours are determined by a shift pattern or rota, where that pattern/rota varies unpredictably

In many ways the process for dealing with requests reflects the flexible working regime. There is no obligation on the employer to agree to a request, but they must deal with the application in a reasonable manner and respond within one month. An employer can only reject an application for one or more of the specified reasons, which are:

  • the burden of additional costs
  • detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demand
  • detrimental impact on the recruitment of staff
  • detrimental impact on other aspects of the employer’s business
  • insufficiency of work during the periods the worker proposes to work
  • planned structural changes

If the worker’s contract terminates during the one month ‘decision period’ the requirements still apply. However, there are then some additional acceptable grounds for refusing a request such as the employer having acted reasonably in dismissing for misconduct or redundancy. A worker will be able to bring an employment tribunal claim if an employer fails to follow the requirements set out above which, if the claim is successful, could result in an order for reconsideration of the request or compensation. The amount of compensation will be set by regulations and could be limited to eight weeks’ pay as it is under the flexible working regime.

There is no timetable for implementation yet and, as noted above, some of the detail of how the right to request will operate in practice still has to be set out in separate regulations.

The new right will have the most impact in sectors where the use of casual workers and changeable shift patterns/rotas is widespread, and on businesses using short fixed-term contracts or agency workers. It is likely to lead to an increased focus on how best to manage these type of working arrangements.

The Bill only provides for the right to ask for a more predictable working pattern, not a right to a predictable working pattern. However, organisations which engage individuals on unpredictable working patterns will need to establish policies and procedures to deal with requests. They should also be aware that, if employment status isn’t clear, an individual might claim worker status while making an application for a more predictable working arrangement

(Content provided to Lexis-Nexis by Julie Keir, practice development lawyer at Brodies LLP.)

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Menopause: Czar urges businesses to step up on policies

Helen Tomlinson, England’s first-ever menopause employment champion has called on businesses to develop policies and to normalize discussing the subject, saying that she has witnessed ‘the transformational power’ that talking about the health condition can have in a workplace. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) announced on 6 March 2023 that it had appointed Tomlinson to the post to raise awareness about the health condition. Tomlinson will also aim to encourage more employers to develop policies so women who experience symptoms are better supported, the DWP added. Tomlinson said that fewer than a quarter of UK businesses ‘currently have a menopause policy, but as I take on this role, I am determined that my generation of women in work will break the menopause taboo and have confidence that their health is valued’.

The DWP said that she will raise awareness of menopause, while promoting the benefits for businesses and the economy when women are supported to stay in work. Her role could also include advising employers about ‘small but significant’ changes they can make to the workplace, including offering women experiencing the symptoms of menopause more regular breaks and creating cooler spaces in offices, the DWP added.

The announcement of Tomlinson’s appointment came after the DWP had previously published official responses to two reports on menopause and the workplace. Tomlinson is Head of Talent in the UK and Ireland at the human resources provider Adecco Group. She was appointed to the role on a voluntary basis by the DWP, where she will work closely with Mims Davies, the Minister for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression. Davies said that menopause is a major reason that too many women leave the workforce early, often when they are at the peak of their skills and experience with so much more still to contribute. Tomlinson will also work closely with Lesley Regan, who was appointed as the government’s first women’s health ambassador in 2022.

According to the DWP, a quarter of women report that they have considered leaving their job due to experiencing menopause. Not all women experience symptoms that stop them from working, but research suggests that those with serious menopausal symptoms take an average of 32 weeks of leave from work over the length of their employment.

Many women tend to suffer in silence during perimenopause and menopause. Seeing this subject acknowledged at government level, gives hope that it will inspire businesses to do the same – educating and raising awareness about menopause-related issues, whilst also providing assistance and support to those who need it.

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